Diesel Data Solutions

Diesel Labs delivers curated data and analytics to the modern, AI-infused media & marketing landscape. Diesel’s proprietary technology stack leverages machine learning and emerging AI techniques to produce and contextualize content and topic intelligence. Data from across all the major social and video platforms (including Facebook, YouTube, X / Twitter, Instagram, Wikipedia and others) has been curated, organized and analyzed. With both data and SaaS product solutions, we provide our customers with the most comprehensive understanding of the cultural zeitgeist and consumer trends.

Data Solutions

Diesel provides a myriad of on demand and custom data solutions for a number of different use cases. Visit our Amazon Data Marketplace or Snowflake Marketplace for a free data sample.

Top TV Shows & Movies

  • Description: A list of the top & trending media (shows & movies) in the US, by day. This is the audience engagement equivalent to the Nielsen Top 10 (which is based on hours viewed across linear and/or streaming) or the Netflix Top 10 (based on hours viewed).
  • Application: Top & trending data can be used with other data (viewership hours, ratings, etc) to help evaluate content performance and valuation.
  • Example: High viewership and high audience attention suggests greater impact on subscribership growth and therefore greater value.
  • Sources: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Wikipedia, across all relevant engagement types (video views, page views, likes, shares and comments)

Daily Twitter Top Trends

  • Description: The X / Twitter Trending data set provides a summary of daily trends in addition to propriety insight to quantify the important topics that surfaced on a given day.
  • Application: This report reveals what the key topics of interest are across the cultural zeitgeist on any given day.
  • Example: The term "Usher" trended for 13 hours on February 11 and was the third most engaged with topic of the day.
  • Sources: X / Twitter

Daily YouTube Video Category Trends

  • Description: The YouTube Trending Summary data set rolls up YouTube video trend information into categories.
  • Application: This report reveals which flavors of content are driving the cultural zeitgeist on any given day.
  • Example: What proportion of trending views were on gaming related videos versus entertainment versus sports?
  • Sources: YouTube

TV Shows & Movies Share of Voice

  • Description: The Top Content Share of Voice (SOV) provides a list of shows and movies and the percentage of engagement each title generated vs all other media content in the US (shows and movies) by day.
  • Application: This data reflects the exact share of engagement for each piece of content and complements other volume metrics such as engagement or viewership hours
  • Example: WWE Monday Night Raw earned 12.9% SOV on November 6.
  • Sources: X / Twitter

2024 Presidential Election Engagement

  • Description: A summary of daily, organic cross-platform engagements for each 2024 Presidential Candidate.
  • Application: This report can be used in conjunction with other forms of data (polling, voting, etc) to better understand how each candidate is performing as we approach the 2024 US Presidential Election.
  • Example: Nikki Haley had 58,233 combined Wikipedia and Twitter engagements on January 1, 2024, while Chris Christie had 4,376.
  • Sources: Wikipedia, X / Twitter

Streaming Platform Share of Voice

  • Description: The Streaming Platform Share of Voice (SOV) describes the percentage of engagement the original content from each streaming platform generated vs all other media content (including non-streaming content) in the US (shows and movies) by day.
  • Application: This report can be used in conjunction with other forms of data (viewership hours, ratings, audience attention) to understand not just the volume of engagement but the relative share based on what is happening across the entertainment landscape.
  • Example: Disney+ had a 14.1% SOV across all TV, streaming, and theatrical content on November 10.
  • Sources: X / Twitter

Content Distribution Share of Voice

  • Description: The Content Distribution Share of Voice (SOV) report lists the entertainment distribution type (linear, streaming, theatrical, multichannel) with their associated engagement SOV percentage (%)
  • Application: This report can be used in conjunction with other forms of data (viewership hours, ratings, audience attention) to understand not just the volume of engagement but the relative share based on what is happening across the entertainment landscape.
  • Example: Across all media on January 28, the distribution of share of voice was 72.3% Linear, 15.3% Multichannel, 7% Streaming, and 4% Theatrical Releases.
  • Sources: X / Twitter

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